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what we offer

Have you ever had those moments where you look at your team and wonder if they’re equipped with all the skills to rock their jobs? And oh boy, the frustration when you witness a group of super-talented individuals who simply can’t get their act together! It’s like watching a reality show where competition morphs into an all-out battlefield, where tiny issues inflate into massive arguments, and where precious energy gets drained on pointless disagreements instead of actually getting things done.

So, if you’re tired of witnessing your workplace turn into a battleground where battles are fought over the pettiest of issues, and energy goes down the drain faster than coffee in a Monday morning meeting, then it’s time to join forces with Your-Crowd. Let’s bid farewell to unnecessary drama and say hello to a team that’s unstoppable, collaborative, and ready to bring the good vibes to the workplace.

Our team development starts by getting to know the individuals in your team. We do this by using Insights Discovery, a world-renowned method of developing self-awareness and empathy as the foundation for brilliant teams.

Through the use of Insights Discovery, we unlock success through collaborative teamwork, built on our passionate belief in the power all people have within themselves to achieve and deliver remarkable result.

In today’s business environment staying competitive is hard. We believe the key to success in challenging times is the creation and nurturing of great teams. Teams that people want to join; teams that support people to thrive; teams that deliver and succeed together.

Multiracial business team having a meeting in the office


Every business wants teams of people who work collaboratively, harmoniously, productively. And yet so often things get in the way. We start with the building blocks of every team – individuals.

By using Insights Discovery we help people understand themselves, understand others, and make the most of the collaborative relationships that affect them in the workplace.

Startup team manager, woman ceo in business and office company meeting. Corporate success, work mot


Using Insights Discovery we support individual leaders to build their self-awareness, giving them a fresh understanding of how their style and approach impacts those around them.

Through individual support and coaching we help to develop their empathy and their ability to adapt their leadership styles to get the best out of everyone.

Recruiter Shaking Hand of Candidate


Finding the right people to join your business is challenging at the best of times, and never more so than in today’s environment. Making the right recruitment choices and successfully integrating new people into existing teams are critical factors in the future success of your business.
Any questions. Shot of a mature businesswoman sitting and training her team in the office.


Built on decades of experience in the property sector we offer a range of courses to develop the skills of estate and lettings agent teams, giving you the confidence that your people are equipped with everything they need to deliver brilliantly.

Our training builds knowledge, capability and confidence for the client facing people in your business.
Young woman startup manager present in meeting office room.


At Your Crowd we understand the significance of measuring performance.

We offer tailored solutions that help your business implement robust appraisal systems, set meaningful targets, and ensure clear understanding among your people.